That’s a wrap on Halloween 2017

Halloween snuck up this year, after a month of up and down temperatures and little in the way of autumn color around us due to another very dry summer (or so "they" say). After trying to pretend autumn wasn't really right around the corner, I finally got into high gear, prepping Trick-or-Treat goodies for our... Continue Reading →

And oh, those Italian windows, too…

They're just as enchanting as the Italian doorways. These were from trekking around Venice. How old are they? Who lives behind the ironwork or the flowers? Along with the ability to have windows that keep out noise and some of the weather, we've lost the artistic, historic view out to our streets.

Enchanted with Italian doorways

On our last visit to Italy, I enjoyed photographing doorways, as do many. They were enchanting, unique, elegant, or common. Walking through the streets of Florence, I stopped at way too many doorways on some streets. It didn't slow me down, though - I was doing what I wanted to do.  How better to spend... Continue Reading →

Scenes of summer

 From the sun silhouetting the stalks to creating an impressive double rainbow, to highlighting the garden blooms, it's been a summer worth capturing.   

The blooms are fewer; the colors a bit less striking. The insect impact seems greater. Lately I've been delighting in the last push from the dahlias in patio pots.  

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